The Lyke Wake Survey

Hello and welcome to this survey about the Lyke Wake Walk!

The purpose is to gather as wide a range of experiences as possible relating to the Lyke Wake Walk – the route, the history and the traditions. The goal is to collate the results into a publication, either online or print. The North York Moors/ Lyke Wake is a fascinating place and no two crossings are the same. In fact two people doing a Lyke Wake together will have entirely different experiences and so we hope to capture your personal stories.

The boring bit: As stated, the intention is to collect and publish the results. Therefore by submitting your answers you are giving us consent to use your contribution.

How to submit your answers: Please download the survey (a Word document), fill it out, save it and email it to:

Photos and other memorabilia: If you have any photos, condolence cards or other related Lyke Wake memorabilia, please take a digital photo or scan, and attach those items to your email. The more the merrier as it helps us build a more complete picture of your Lyke Wake experiences.

Thanks in advance and we hope you enjoy filling in your “virtual” trip down memory lane!