The March 2018 Wake

Well, the “Beast from the East” tried its best to defeat the Wake, however, with the wonderful flexibility of Christine and John at Swan house together with the determination of Dirgers, we were able to rapidly re-arrange the Wake from the snows of 3rd March to the barmy wet warmth of 10th.

Unfortunately, quite a few people were unable to make the re-arranged date, nevertheless, 23 attendees enjoyed a great meal and the usual Lyke Wake formalities. The positive was that the timing of the Wake move enabled two great supporters of the Lyke Wake walk and New Lyke Wake Club in the form of Robert Hawthorne and his daughter Kristin to attend the Wake travelling all the way from Birmingham……….nope, not Midlands UK, but Alabama, USA. These two people have both worked hard and in difficult circumstances to earn their degrees of Master / Mistress of Misery. David Campbell was also awarded his black ribbons; however, we still have not yet deemed flying the Lyke Wake route as counting as a crossing so his progress towards Doctor of Dolefullness will be a little “cramped”.

Ian Evans has been awarded the highest award of the Club…………that of Past Master. Well done to all those who obtained their degrees and there are certainly more degrees in the pipeline for the next Wake.

This year, Ian Evans provided a really entertaining quiz based on Lyke Wake location anagrams, some clever pictures and thoroughly tested our knowledge of the Dirge. It is surprising what we don’t know about the walk and moors!

The New Club was caught out by the weather in 2018 and there is some discussion as to what time of year we should hold the Wake. We plan to discuss with Swan House as to appropriate timing and hopefully we can obtain a mutually convenient time both for better weather and avoiding busy times at the venue.